
Colleague Spotlight: Meet Bogdan Dumitrache, System Administrator

clock 11/09/2024

Driven by curiosity and fresh determination, Bogdan embarked on his first DevOps project, where he successfully implemented a new infrastructure for the production environment. 

In addition to his DevOps achievements, he also provided top-notch IT support for, earning praise and admiration from everyone who had the opportunity to work with him.

Read on to get to know him! 

Bianca Cornaciu: What aspects of system administration do you find most fulfilling, and what inspired you to pursue a career in this field?

Bogdan Dumitrache: I find it fulfilling to solve complex problems and keep systems running smoothly. My love for technology and curiosity about how things work inspired me to pursue this career. 

Bianca Cornaciu: Looking ahead, which emerging IT trends or technologies do you believe will significantly impact system administration in the next few years, and how are you preparing for them?  

Bogdan Dumitrache:
I believe AI-driven automation and cloud-native technologies will significantly impact system administration in the coming years. To prepare, I’m focusing on learning more about cloud platforms, infrastructure as code, and keeping up with AI advancements to integrate these into my work effectively. 

Bianca Cornaciu: Can you walk us through a time when you faced a high-pressure situation, such as a major incident or unexpected outage? What actions did you take that led to a successful resolution, and can you also share an example where things didn’t go as planned and what you learned from it?  

Bogdan Dumitrache: On my first day, a network outage hit. I dove right in, collaborating with the team to diagnose and resolve the issue. It was a challenging start, but it taught me the importance of staying calm and working together under pressure.

Bianca Cornaciu: What’s one piece of advice you’d give to someone aspiring to work in system administration?  

Bogdan Dumitrache: Stay curious and never stop learning. The field is always evolving, so being adaptable and continuously building your skills is key to success in my role.

Bianca Cornaciu: Can you recommend a book, movie or article that has inspired you recently?

Bogdan Dumitrache:
Recently, I was inspired by the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. 
It’s a great read on how small changes can lead to big improvements over time, both personally and professionally.

Bianca Cornaciu: Can you share a fun fact about yourself that not many people know?

Bogdan Dumitrache: A fun fact about me is that I love hitting the gym and building cars with tons of horsepower. If you see me bench-pressing weights while tuning an engine, you’ll know I’ve reached peak multitasking!

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